"A Song Transmuted," Cyber World anthology, November 2016 "The Ones Who Know Where They Are Going," Asimov's, March/April 2017 reprinted in Rich Horton's The Year's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy."And Then There Were (N - One)," Uncanny Issue 15, March/April 2017 "The Smoke Means Its Working," Behind the Mask anthology reprinted in Neil Clarke's Best Science Fiction of the Year." Wind Will Rove," Asimov's #500, September/October 2017 "Remember This For Me," Explorers, Catalysts, and Secret Keepers: Women of Science Fiction anthology, December 2017 "The Court Magician," Lightspeed, January 2018 "Do As I Do, Sing As I Sing," Beneath Ceaseless Skies, March 2018

"I Frequently Hear Music In the Very Heart of Noise," Uncanny, March 2018 "Escape From Caring Seasons," Twelve Tomorrows anthology, MIT Press, May 2018 "Lost and Found," Whose Future Is It? Cellarius Anthology, December 2018 "That Our Flag Was Still There," If This Goes On anthology, Parvus Press, March 2019 "Everything is Closed Today," Do Not Go Quietly anthology, Apex Books "The Blur in the Corner of Your Eye," Uncanny Magazine July/August 2019 "Bigger Fish," Made to Order anthology, March 2020 "Two Truths And A Lie," Tor.Com, novelette, June 2020 "A Better Way of Saying," Tor.com, fall 2021 "Where Oaken Hearts do Gather," Uncanny, April 2021 Order now from your favorite indie bookstore! Stories We Are Satellites, May 2021, from Berkley in the US and Canada, and hardcover Head of Zeus in the UK and elsewhere. It is also available in hardcover and paperback from Head of Zeus in the UK, and in Japanese and Turkish editions.

NovelSĪ Song For A New Day, (2019) is now available from Penguin Random House! Lost Places (2023) is currently available for pre-order at all your favorite bookstores. Sooner or Later Everything Falls Into the Sea, (2019) is now available from Small Beer Press or your bookstore of choice! It is also available in hardcover from Head of Zeus in the UK.