It features original essays from more than twenty-five scholars as well as interviews, manifestos, short fiction, and new works from Chicana/o and Latina/o artists. About the Author, Cathryn Josefina Merla-Watson is assistant professor in the Mexican American studies program at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.

Culture, edited by Cathryn Josefina Merla- Watson and B. As the first collection engaging Chicana/o and Latina/o speculative cultural production, Altermundos: Speculative Literature, Film, and Popular Culture provides a comprehensive alternative to the view of speculative fiction as a largely white, male, Eurocentric, and heteronormative genre. Altermundos: Latin Speculative Literature, Film, and Popular Culture. Borderlands, in Altermundos: Latin Speculative Lit er a ture, Film, and Popu lar.

Speculative fiction-encompassing both science fiction and fantasy-has emerged as a dynamic field within Chicana/o and Latina/o studies, producing new critical vocabularies and approaches to topics that include colonialism and modernity, immigration and globalization, race and gender. Cathryn Josefina Merla-Watson is an Author with one video in the C-SPAN Video Library the first appearance was a 2018 Speech. Speculative fiction-encompassing both science fiction and fantasy-has emerged as a dynamic field within Chicana/o and Latina/o studies, producing new critical vocabularies and approaches to topics that include colonialism and modernity, immigration.